
Free NovaVideo Adult Mobile Responsive WordPress Theme Download


Change the structure of your site whenever you want

This video WordPress theme is segmented into several configurable areas. You can create blocks of videos on the home page but also in the sidebar and the video pages. The sidebar can be small or large, you can position it to the left or right of your site or delete it. Whole structure of the site is automatically recalculated.

Get your own design

40+ theme options to customize your website

Change the type of display (tube, tube with extract, wall of thumbs, carousel), the number of videos displayed, the typography with 600+ Google Fonts, the atmosphere dark or light, the colors with prefefined or custom colors, upload a background, your logo, display a carousel at the top or bottom of your homepage, add banners…

HTML5 video player auto generated

WordPress video player responsive and personalized

Enter the URL of your video in the field “Video URL” in the admin of your post to generate a HTML5 video player. For perfect optimization, we use the HTML5 VideoJS player. We made it responsive and colors personalized for optimal integration. This player works with MP4/FLV videos and Youtube videos.

Themabiz Plugins 100% Compatible

Youtube Ultimate Import, Click’n’Fill and Plan Them All

Save time by using our powerful plugins developed fully in line with Novavideo. Don’t waste time to change custom field names. With Themabiz products, it works automatically without any changes. Simply activate Novavideo and the plugins and you will be able to create professional video sites in minutes.

Professional video sites features

Everything you need for a video site is integrated

No plugin is required with Novavideo Pro: rating system, social network share, video sorting, video length, views count, related videos, endless video loading or classical pagination, 4 types of display (tube, tube with extract, wall of thumbs and carousel), video blocks widget… Everything is already integrated.

Fully responsive design

Your website fits on any screen tablets and mobiles

Responsive means that the layout of the site is fluid. It has 4 modes: big screen, normal screen, tablet and mobile. The site structure automatically changes depending on the support used. For example on a smartphone, Novavideo will be structured in one single column to improve ergonomics and the ease of use.

Awesome video widget

Add custom videos blocks everywhere in your site

This video WordPress theme is segmented into several configurable areas. You can create blocks of videos on the home page but also in the sidebar and the video pages. The sidebar can be small or large, you can position it to the left or right of your site or delete it. Whole structure of the site is automatically recalculated.

Monetizate your site

Display banners or links in 4 advertising locations

This video WordPress theme is segmented into several configurable areas. You can create blocks of videos on the home page but also in the sidebar and the video pages. The sidebar can be small or large, you can position it to the left or right of your site or delete it. Whole structure of the site is automatically recalculated.
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6 Aralık 2018 23:55 delete

dont suppose you have API Key to run video player

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